
Calculer les sommes de vos textes à l'aide de sumhash

Code source:

    sumHash is a tiny application wich can calculate an input text's sum using those algorithms:
        - SHA1
        - SHA256
        - SHA224
        - SHA512
        - SHA512_224
        - SHA512_256
        - SHA384
        - MD5

    Author: Chiheb Nexus
    License: GPLv3
    Year: 2017
    Go version: go1.6.2 linux/amd64
package main

import (

var (
    hashname = flag.String("s", "", `Hash name: 
        - SHA256
        - SHA224
        - SHA512
        - SHA384
        - SHA512_224
        - SHA512_256 
        - MD5`)
    text = flag.String("t", "", "Input text to be hashed")

// Return SHA256 sum
func ReturnSHA256Hash(text string) [32]byte {
    return sha256.Sum256([]byte(text))

// Return SHA224 sum
func ReturnSHA224HASH(text string) [28]byte {
    return sha256.Sum224([]byte(text))

// Return SHA512 sum
func ReturnSHA512Hash(text string) [64]byte {
    return sha512.Sum512([]byte(text))

// Return SHA384 sum
func ReturnSHA384Hash(text string) [48]byte {
    return sha512.Sum384([]byte(text))

// Return SHA512_224 sum
func ReturnSHA512_224Hash(text string) [28]byte {
    return sha512.Sum512_224([]byte(text))

// Return SHA512_256 sum
func ReturnSHA512_256Hash(text string) [32]byte {
    return sha512.Sum512_256([]byte(text))

// Return MD5 sum
func ReturnMD5Hash(text string) [16]byte {
    return md5.Sum([]byte(text))

func ReturnSHA1Hash(text string) [20]byte {
    return sha1.Sum([]byte(text))

func main() {

    sample := "Text: %s\n%s: %x\n"
    if *hashname == "sha256" {
        fmt.Printf(sample, *text, "SHA256", ReturnSHA256Hash(*text))
    if *hashname == "sha224" {
        fmt.Printf(sample, *text, "SHA224", ReturnSHA224HASH(*text))
    if *hashname == "sha512" {
        fmt.Printf(sample, *text, "SHA512", ReturnSHA512Hash(*text))
    if *hashname == "sha384" {
        fmt.Printf(sample, *text, "SHA348", ReturnSHA384Hash(*text))
    if *hashname == "sha512_224" {
        fmt.Printf(sample, *text, "SHA512_224", ReturnSHA512_224Hash(*text))
    if *hashname == "sha512_256" {
        fmt.Printf(sample, *text, "SHA512_256", ReturnSHA512_256Hash(*text))
    if *hashname == "md5" {
        fmt.Printf(sample, *text, "MD5", ReturnMD5Hash(*text))
    if *hashname == "sha1" {
        fmt.Printf(sample, *text, "SHA1", ReturnSHA1Hash(*text))

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